Condemnation of Scheduled Meetings with Secretary Anthony Blinken

Washington, DC. May 16, 2024. The Gaza Palestinian American Association (GPAA) vehemently
opposes any meetings between Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Palestinian American
leaders. Such meetings, given the current administration’s blatant hypocrisy and active complicity
in the ongoing genocide and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, are not only disingenuous but also
profoundly offensive.

The Biden Administration has consistently demonstrated its abhorrent disregard for Palestinian
lives through its substantial military support to Israel and its refusal to acknowledge or address its
role in the atrocities committed against the people of Gaza. This administration’s actions have
perpetuated a relentless cycle of violence, displacement, and suffering, financed by U.S. tax dollars
and supported by political complicity.

The suffering of Palestinians in Gaza is immeasurable and multifaceted: the humanitarian blockade
has led to widespread starvation and a severe shortage of essential supplies; the collapse of the
healthcare system, exacerbated by Israel’s continuous attacks, results in preventable deaths from
treatable illnesses; and the relentless violence and displacement have caused countless deaths,
injuries, and psychological trauma. These dire conditions represent a severe humanitarian crisis
that demands immediate and decisive action, not performative meetings.

Engaging in meetings with Secretary Blinken under these circumstances is tantamount to endorsing
the administration’s oppressive policies. It is a betrayal to the Palestinian community and a direct
affront to those suffering in Gaza. We cannot and will not support any form of engagement that
legitimizes or normalizes the actions of this criminal and morally bankrupt administration.

We unequivocally call on all Palestinian American leaders to refuse participation in these meetings.
Attending them would inadvertently signal approval of the administration’s policies and sabotage
our collective struggle for justice. Instead, we urge our leaders to issue public statements explaining
their refusal to engage, thereby maintaining pressure on the administration to change its approach
towards Gaza.

Our stance is clear: we will not condone any actions that undermine the dignity and rights of
Palestinians. We stand united in our fight against tyranny and in our commitment to justice.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Reem Al-Dadah
Communications Officer
Gaza Palestinian American Association